J. Jumayao
4 min readOct 14, 2021


Hard Days Night

Today was a rough day. It is day seven of my daily journals, and I couldn’t find anything I felt was worth writing down. How do daily writers do it? How varied are their lives that every day is something new and exciting to share with everyone? I mean, my life isn’t dull, but when trying to write about it every day, you start to see monotonous patterns, and it can get discouraging. What I am feeling right now has defeated me time and again when it comes to staying on course with most anything. At the start of the challenge, I’m full of motivation and ideas, it’s the seventh day, and I’m already thinking about skipping a day.

I could find writing prompts online that can help me decide what I should write about for the day, but I want my entries to be somewhat connected and on topic. Should I be picking and choosing writing prompts that might have a similar thread to my daily posts? Is that the way to go, and if so, why does that feel less genuine to me? Does writing about random ideas and topics sound more appealing to readers? Maybe, or maybe I’m taking a more pessimistic view about this idea.

It gives readers more variety and a deeper insight into the author’s thoughts and feelings about a vast collection of topics.

I think I’m starting to use these daily writing exercises to self-psychoanalyze my train of thought about whatever I am writing. I am conversing with myself and sharing it with the world to gaze and wonder at the animal behind the glass, watching as I learn what works and doesn’t work as I write out my thoughts. Some people might tell me that I don’t need to write down every review in response to my last sentence. I could be called strange or weird or downright mad, which in all honesty, I wouldn’t mind being mad. I could learn weird science and become a literal mad scientist and create a shrinkinator ray or something.

Besides that, I need to start practicing writing about various topics using random writing prompts. I honestly think that is what I should be doing now that I’ve finished my “Under the Influence” series. It was a short series, but I feel I said everything I wanted to about the subject.

I just had an idea to expand upon the random writing prompts thought. I could choose a prompt and create another five post journal series. It doesn’t even have to be five at all, and I could take the main idea and write until I’ve said everything I wanted to.

I’m not feeling as distraught about today’s journal anymore. I’ve talked myself into a new idea that can give birth to more ideas and writing experiments. I’ve discovered that if I don’t know what to do next, I should write about that and find that my brain is smart enough to teach itself a new way of thinking in less than an hour. That’s not a bad idea at all, writing everything I want to say about any topic I find online or that someone is interested in getting my opinion on. My constant rambling on a page has been more helpful to me all day than trying to find some interesting tidbit about me for the last three hours.

My day was dull; I woke up, went to work, had a lot to do, and then came home. I live in a consistent routine of home-work-home. That does not sound like good content to me, and I know many people would agree because no one wants to read about someone going through what they just went through, especially when they are probably reading to forget about their day. So, this is my announcement that from this moment forward, all new posts from me will be about a random writing prompt found online or given to me by someone. I will write about that topic until I can no longer offer any other opinion on the matter.

I told ya’ll I’m committing to this journal journey. I will write something daily even if people don’t read it because I won’t become a better writer unless I continually practice this skill, which is far easier than losing weight and exercising. Have I mentioned I hate the gym?

P.S. I apologize for how chaotic this is. Welcome to my brain.



J. Jumayao

I am an emerging writer who wants to share what little I’ve learned throughout my life with all of you.